Come, Worship the Lord!

Join us as we learn God’s truths through expository preaching and careful study of His word.

Services and Activities

Lord's Day (Sunday)

9:45am - Sabbath School
10:45am - Morning Worship
6:00pm - Evening Worship*

*1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Lord's Days

The Lord's Day

"religion is just as the Sabbath is, and decays and grows as the Sabbath is esteemed: the immediate honor and worship of God, which is brought forth and swaddled in the first three commandments, is nursed up and suckled in the bosom of the Sabbath." —Thomas Shepard

The Lord's Supper

If you plan on visiting and desire to partake of the Lord's Supper with us, please speak with one of the elders prior to the service. We generally celebrate the Lord's Supper quarterly.

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